Tweets by @marcthebeste

Monday, September 01, 2014

Full out war over Ukraine

All the signs are there that the west, Europe, United States and Canada are prepaired to go to full scale war with Russia over the Ukraine. And just at the point the west is not prepaired for that. The NATO contributing countries like the Netherlands have no army left to speak of, there is a "rapid intervention force", but combat tanks or a reasonable air or marine fleet is whittled away in the last 3 decades. 
Also there is, near the Hague, the International Criminal Court, which makes it to say the least, inconvenient to participate in conflicts.
These day's the Dutch foreign minister, was rushed to become a vice chairman off the European Commission, with him out of the way onother fresh new foreign minister just has to execute what Timmermans had laid down to participate in the squirmishes over Ukraine. 
So, instead of what was considered "the cold war is gone", now there is a war on. 
And to make things worse, the US is on the verge of serious intervention in the Irak region against the Islamic State IS, just as Germany also agreed to send weapons to the Kurds in northern Irak. 
Do I have a De Ja Vu? 
There is talk about the militairy funding of 150 million euro's in the Netherlands, but that is too little too late as 10 times that like 1.5 billion (miljard in Dutch) would not do the job.
So what is the trouble with the Ukraine. Since Crimea was annexed to Russia the world expects Russia will do the same here and rightly so, it seams Putin sees an east and west Ukraine, where the split off east will join Russia. As there is no administrative political governement that effectively rules democratically the world sees what is happening as illegal. 

Pause: There was just 11.00 03-09-2014 news that there is an agreed ceasefiere between Moskow and Kiev in the eastern Ukaine. 

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